Collinsville Police Badge 1

Collinsville Police Department

Emergencies - Day or Night - Dial 911

Non-Emergencies - Day or Night

To have an officer dispatched for a non-emergency situation, call the Sherriff's Office Dispatch at:

(903) 813-4411


Sex Offender Information

There are currently seven registered sex offenders in the city of Collinsville.

Blackburn Roberson, Crystal

425 Emily Ct

Burchard, Dexter DeWayne

729 S Broadway

Carden, Daniel Waring

726 S Broadway

Hammer, Joshua

425 Emily Ct

Hull, Chancey

314 N Main

Hernandez, Ricky Don

203 S Broadway

Thresher, Robert Scott

510 Dewitt Street

Additional information on sex offenders can be found on the following sites:

State of Texas

Grayson County